
The ability to simulate data is a useful tool for better understanding statistical analyses and planning experimental designs. These notes illustrate how to simulate data using a variety of different functions in the R programming language, then discuss how data simulation can be used in research. These notes borrow heavily from a Stirling Coding Club session on randomisation, and to a lesser extent from a session on linear models. After working through these notes, the reader should be able to simulate their own data sets and use them to explore data visualisations and statistical analysis. These notes are also available as a PDF.

Introduction: Simulating data

The ability generate simulated data is very useful in a lot of research contexts. Simulated data can be used to better understand statistical methods, or in some cases to actually run statistical analyses (e.g., simulating a null distribution against which to compare a sample). Here I want to demonstrate how to simulate data in R. This can be accomplished with base R functions including rnorm, runif, rbinom, rpois, or rgamma; all of these functions sample univariate data (i.e., one variable) from a specified distribution. The function sample can be used to sample elements from an R object with or without replacement. Using the MASS library, the mvtnorm function will sample multiple variables with a known correlation structure (i.e., we can tell R how variables should be correlated with one another) and normally distributed errors.

Below, I will first demonstrate how to use some common functions in R for simulating data. Then, I will illustrate how these simulated data might be used to better understand common statistical analyses and data visualisation.

Univariate random numbers

Below, I introduce some base R functions that simulate (pseudo)random numbers from a given distribution. Note that most of what follows in this section is a recreation of a similar section in the notes for randomisation analysis in R.

Sampling from a uniform distribution

The runif function returns some number (n) of random numbers from a uniform distribution with a range from \(a\) (min) to \(b\) (max) such that \(X\sim\mathcal U(a,b)\) (verbally, \(X\) is sampled from a uniform distribution with the parameters \(a\) and \(b\)), where \(-\infty < a < b < \infty\) (verbally, \(a\) is greater than negative infinity but less than \(b\), and \(b\) is finite). The default is to draw from a standard uniform distribution (i.e., \(a = 0\) and \(b = 1\)) as done below.

rand_unifs_10 <- runif(n = 10, min = 0, max = 1);

The above code stores a vector of ten numbers rand_unifs_10, shown below. Note that the numbers will be different each time we re-run the runif function above.

##  [1] 0.32624815 0.66646266 0.08118940 0.43764419 0.30294628 0.18661117
##  [7] 0.19025308 0.26780157 0.53324194 0.05166473

We can visualise the standard uniform distribution that is generated by plotting a histogram of a very large number of values created using runif.

rand_unifs_10000 <- runif(n = 10000, min = 0, max = 1);
hist(rand_unifs_10000, xlab = "Random value (X)", col = "grey",
     main = "", cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5);

The random uniform distribution is special in some ways. The algorithm for generating random uniform numbers is the starting point for generating random numbers from other distributions using methods such as rejection sampling, inverse transform sampling, or the Box Muller method (Box and Muller 1958).

Sampling from a normal distribution

The rnorm function returns some number (n) of randomly generated values given a set mean (\(\mu\); mean) and standard deviation (\(\sigma\); sd), such that \(X\sim\mathcal N(\mu,\sigma^2)\). The default is to draw from a standard normal (a.k.a., “Gaussian”) distribution (i.e., \(\mu = 0\) and \(\sigma = 1\)).

rand_norms_10 <- rnorm(n = 10, mean = 0, sd = 1);

The above code stores a vector of 10 numbers, shown below.

##  [1] -1.62366254  0.44484705 -0.36194250  0.02640805 -0.21144759  0.85520311
##  [7]  1.52687944  1.20101330  0.12107444 -0.53072527

We can verify that a standard normal distribution is generated by plotting a histogram of a very large number of values created using rnorm.

rand_norms_10000 <- rnorm(n = 10000, mean = 0, sd = 1);
hist(rand_norms_10000, xlab = "Random value (X)", col = "grey",
     main = "", cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5);

Generating a histogram using data from a simulated distribution like this is often a useful way to visualise distributions, or to see how samples from the same distribution might vary. For example, if we wanted to compare the above distribution with a normal distribution that had a standard deviation of 2 instead of 1, then we could simply sample 10000 new values in rnorm with sd = 2 instead of sd = 1 and create a new histogram with hist. If we wanted to see what the distribution of sampled data might look like given a low sample size (e.g., 10), then we could repeat the process of sampling from rnorm(n = 10, mean = 0, sd = 1) multiple times and looking at the shape of the resulting histogram.

Sampling from a poisson distribution

Many processes in biology can be described by a Poisson distribution. A Poisson process describes events happening with some given probability over an area of time or space such that \(X\sim Poisson(\lambda)\), where the rate parameter \(\lambda\) is both the mean and variance of the Poisson distribution (note that by definition, \(\lambda > 0\), and although \(\lambda\) can be any positive real number, data are always integers, as with count data). Sampling from a Poisson distribution can be done in R with rpois, which takes only two arguments specifying the number of values to be returned (n) and the rate parameter (lambda).

rand_poissons <- rpois(n = 10, lambda = 1.5);
##  [1] 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 0 2

There are no default values for rpois. We can plot a histogram of a large number of values to see the distribution when \(\lambda = 4.5\) below.

rand_poissons_10000 <- rpois(n = 10000, lambda = 4.5);
hist(rand_poissons_10000, xlab = "Random value (X)", col = "grey",
     main = "", cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5);

Sampling from a binomial distribution

Sampling from a binomial distribution in R with rbinom is a bit more complex than using runif, rnorm, or rpois. Like those previous functions, the rbinom function returns some number (n) of random numbers, but the arguments and output can be slightly confusing at first. Recall that a binomial distribution describes the number of ‘successes’ for some number of independent trials (\(\Pr(success) = p\)). The rbinom function returns the number of successes after size trials, in which the probability of success in each trial is prob. For a concrete example, suppose we want to simulate the flipping of a fair coin 1000 times, and we want to know how many times that coin comes up heads (‘success’). We can do this with the following code.

coin_flips <- rbinom(n = 1, size = 1000, prob = 0.5);
## [1] 496

The above result shows that the coin came up heads 496 times. Note, however, the (required) argument n above. This allows the user to set the number of sequences to run. In other words, if we set n = 2, then this could simulate the flipping of a fair coin 1000 times once to see how many times heads comes up, then repeating the whole process a second time to see how many times heads comes up again (or, if it is more intuitive, the flipping of two separate fair coins 1000 times).

coin_flips_2 <- rbinom(n = 2, size = 1000, prob = 0.5);
## [1] 500 474

In the above, a fair coin was flipped 1000 times and returned 500 heads, and then another fair coin was flipped 1000 times and returned 474 heads. As with the rnorm and runif functions, we can check to see what the distribution of the binomial function looks like if we repeat this process. Suppose, in other words, that we want to see the distribution of the number of times heads comes up after 1000 flips. We can, for example, simulate the process of flipping 1000 times in a row with 10000 different coins using the code below.

coin_flips_10000 <- rbinom(n = 10000, size = 1000, prob = 0.5);

I have not printed the above coin_flips_10000 for obvious reasons, but we can use a histogram to look at the results.

hist(coin_flips_10000, xlab = "Random value (X)", col = "grey",
     main = "", cex.lab = 1.5, cex.axis = 1.5);

As would be expected, most of the time ‘heads’ occurs around 500 times out of 1000, but usually the actual number will be a bit lower or higher due to chance. Note that if we want to simulate the results of individual flips in a single trial, we can do so as follows.

flips_10 <- rbinom(n = 10, size = 1, prob = 0.5);
##  [1] 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0

In the above, there are n = 10 trials, but each trial consists of only a single coin flip (size = 1). But we can equally well interpret the results as a series of n coin flips that come up either heads (1) or tails (0). This latter interpretation can be especially useful to write code that randomly decides whether some event will happen (1) or not (0) with some probability prob.

Random sampling using sample

Sometimes it is useful to sample a set of values from a vector or list. The R function sample is very flexible for sampling a subset of numbers or elements from some structure (x) in R according to some set probabilities (prob). Elements can be sampled from x some number of times (size) with or without replacement (replace), though an error will be returned if the size of the sample is larger than x but replace = FALSE (default).

Sampling random numbers from a list

To start out simple, suppose we want to ask R to pick a random number from one to ten with equal probability.

rand_number_1 <- sample(x = 1:10, size = 1);
## [1] 3

The above code will set rand_number_1 to a randomly selected value, in this case 3. Because we have not specified a probability vector prob, the function assumes that every element in 1:10 is sampled with equal probability. We can increase the size of the sample to 10 below.

rand_number_10 <- sample(x = 1:10, size = 10);
##  [1]  3  7  9  1  6  4  8 10  5  2

Note that all numbers from 1 to 10 have been sampled, but in a random order. This is becaues the default is to sample with replacement, meaning that once a number has been sampled for the first element in rand_number_10, it is no longer available to be sampled again. To change this and allow for sampling with replacement, we can change the default.

rand_number_10_r <- sample(x = 1:10, size = 10, replace = TRUE);
##  [1]  4  8 10  9  9  6  3  8  6  4

Note that the numbers {4, 6, 8, 9} are now repeated in the set of randomly sampled values above. We can also specify the probability of sampling each element, with the condition that these probabilities need to sum to 1. Below shows an example in which the numbers 1-5 are sampled with a probability of 0.05, while the numbers 6-10 are sampled with a probability of 0.15, thereby biasing sampling toward larger numbers.

prob_vec      <- c( rep(x = 0.05, times = 5), rep(x = 0.15, times = 5) );
rand_num_bias <- sample(x = 1:10, size = 10, replace = TRUE, prob = prob_vec);
##  [1] 10  6  8  6  3 10  4  9  6  2

Note that rand_num_bias above contains more numbers from 6-10 than from 1-5.

Sampling random characters from a list

Sampling characters from a list of elements is no different than sampling numbers, but I am illustrating it separately because I find that I often sample characters for conceptually different reasons. For example, if I want to create a simulated data set that includes three different species, I might create a vector of species identities from which to sample.

species <- c("species_A", "species_B", "species_C");

This gives three possible categories, which I can now use sample to draw from. Assume that I want to simulate the sampling of these three species, perhaps with species_A being twice as common as species_B and species_C. I might use the following code to sample 24 times.

sp_sample <- sample(x = species, size = 24, replace = TRUE, 
                    prob = c(0.5, 0.25, 0.25) 

Below are the values that get returned.

##  [1] "species_B" "species_B" "species_A" "species_A" "species_A" "species_A"
##  [7] "species_A" "species_A" "species_A" "species_C" "species_A" "species_A"
## [13] "species_A" "species_C" "species_A" "species_C" "species_B" "species_A"
## [19] "species_A" "species_C" "species_A" "species_B" "species_B" "species_B"

Simulating data with known correlations

We can generate variables \(X_{1}\) and \(X_{2}\) that have known correlations \(\rho\) with with one another. The code below does this for two standard normal random variables with a sample size of 10000, such that the correlation between them is 0.3.

N   <- 10000;
rho <- 0.3;
x1  <- rnorm(n = N, mean = 0, sd = 1);
x2  <- (rho * x1) + sqrt(1 - rho*rho) * rnorm(n = N, mean = 0, sd = 1);

Mathematically, these variables are generated by first simulating the sample \(x_{1}\) (x1 above) from a standard normal distribution. Then, \(x_{2}\) (x2 above) is calculated as below,

\(x_{2} = \rho x_{1} + \sqrt{1 - \rho^{2}}x_{rand},\)

Where \(x_{rand}\) is a sample from a normal distribution with the same variance as \(x_{1}\). A simple call to the R function cor will confirm that the correlation does indeed equal rho (with some sampling error).

cor(x1, x2);
## [1] 0.307195

This is useful if we are only interested in two variables, but there is a much more efficient way to generate any number of variables with different variances and correlations to one another. To do this, we need to use the MASS library, which can be installed and loaded as below.


In the MASS library, the function mvrnorm can be used to generate any number of variables for a pre-specified covariance structure.

Suppose we want to simulate a data set of three measurements from a species of organisms. Measurement 1 (\(M_1\)) has a mean of \(\mu_{M_{1}} =\) 159.54 and variance of \(Var(M_1) =\) 12.68, measurement 2 (\(M_2\)) has a mean of \(\mu_{M_{1}} =\) 245.26 and variance of \(Var(M_2) =\) 30.39, and measurement 3 (\(M_2\)) has a mean of \(\mu_{M_{1}} =\) 25.52 and variance of \(Var(M_3) =\) 2.18. Below is a table summarising.

measurement mean variance
M1 159.54 12.68
M2 245.26 30.39
M3 25.52 2.18

Further, we want the covariance between \(M_1\) and \(M_2\) to equal \(Cov(M_{1}, M_{2}) =\) 13.95, the covariance between \(M_1\) and \(M_3\) to equal \(Cov(M_{1}, M_{3}) =\) 3.07, and the covariance between \(M_2\) and \(M_3\) to equal \(Cov(M_{2}, M_{3}) =\) 4.7. We can put all of this information into a covariance matrix \(\textbf{V}\) with three rows and three columns. The diagonal of the matrix holds the variances of each variable, with the off-diagonals holding the covariances (note also that the variance of a variable \(M\) is just the variable’s covariance with itself; e.g., \(Var(M_{1}) = Cov(M_{1}, M_{1})\)).

\[ V = \begin{pmatrix} Var(M_{1}), & Cov(M_{1}, M_{2}), & Cov(M_{1}, M_{3}) \\ Cov(M_{2}, M_{1}), & Var(M_{2}), & Cov(M_{2}, M_{3}) \\ Cov(M_{3}, M_{1}), & Cov(M_{3}, M_{2}), & Var(M_{3}) \\ \end{pmatrix}. \]

In R, we can create this matrix as follows.

matrix_data <- c(12.68, 13.95, 3.07, 13.95, 30.39, 4.70, 3.07, 4.70, 2.18);
cv_mat      <- matrix(data = matrix_data, nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE);
rownames(cv_mat) <- c("M1", "M2", "M3");
colnames(cv_mat) <- c("M1", "M2", "M3");

Here is what cv_mat looks like (note that it is symmetrical along the diagonal).

##       M1    M2   M3
## M1 12.68 13.95 3.07
## M2 13.95 30.39 4.70
## M3  3.07  4.70 2.18

Now we can add the means to a vector in R.

mns <- c(159.54, 245.26, 25.52);

We are now ready to use the mvrnorm function in R to simulate some number n of sampled organisms with these three measurements. We use the mvrnorm arguments mu and Sigma to specify the vector of means and covariance matrix, respectively.

sim_data <- mvrnorm(n = 40, mu = mns, Sigma = cv_mat);

Here are the example data below.

M1 M2 M3
155.2651 238.8919 24.07884
160.1899 244.7838 26.29690
156.1196 245.0469 24.62519
158.9075 248.4630 26.37611
159.5190 243.4377 24.76282
165.0315 253.6626 28.54185
162.6464 245.9994 25.20926
163.5349 254.9935 26.59349
158.4219 240.4827 24.17196
164.4322 256.9492 26.96259
156.5350 238.5975 26.10578
164.5456 257.1145 25.67510
157.9869 243.0143 26.22417
168.2971 253.9956 28.94757
162.3973 248.6685 25.05107
159.7965 247.9087 26.98007
163.9835 253.6689 27.17218
160.0837 248.8687 26.39687
157.7130 244.6729 24.51724
160.3263 239.3547 24.66200
156.7600 243.4928 24.19963
160.3282 243.3611 26.19117
158.3644 244.2543 26.21110
159.3612 244.3898 25.38269
155.8408 233.9546 23.58026
158.8804 241.5434 24.51186
159.4017 244.3609 26.12040
165.2231 250.1320 26.40259
152.1460 235.6425 23.15554
157.7196 243.5617 25.10958
158.3931 237.6672 26.11306
161.3122 250.6453 27.13218
162.4960 249.4207 24.81866
160.6010 248.4333 25.49542
158.8079 244.3131 24.84637
166.7818 255.5355 27.66026
156.3915 245.6346 24.18855
161.9607 251.4644 26.88508
155.0859 239.4893 22.74358
156.4410 245.6795 26.01055

We can check to confirm that the mean values of each column are correct using apply.

apply(X = sim_data, MARGIN = 2, FUN = mean);
##        M1        M2        M3 
## 159.95074 246.03878  25.65274

And we can check to confirm that the covariance structure of the data is correct using cov.

##           M1        M2       M3
## M1 12.233584 17.090830 3.596888
## M2 17.090830 33.898138 5.655008
## M3  3.596888  5.655008 1.871685

Note that the values are not exact, but should become closer to the specified values as increase the sample size n. We can visualise the data too; for example, we might look at the close correlation between \(M_{1}\) and \(M_{2}\) using a scatterplot, just as we would for data sampled from the field.

par(mar = c(5, 5, 1, 1));
plot(x = sim_data[,1], y = sim_data[,2], pch = 20, cex = 1.25, cex.lab = 1.25,
     cex.axis = 1.25, xlab = expression(paste("Value of ", M[1])),
     ylab = expression(paste("Value of ", M[2])));

We could even run an ordination on these simulated data. For example, we could extract the principle components with prcomp, then plot the first two PCs to visualise these data. We might, for example, want to compare different methods of ordination using a data set with different, pre-specified properties (e.g., Minchin 1987). We might also want to use simulated data sets to investigate how different statistical tools perform. I show this in the next section, where I put a full data set together and run linear models on it.

Simulating a full data set

Putting everything together, here I will create a data set of three different species from which three different measurements are taken. We can just call these measurements ‘length’, ‘width’, and ‘mass’. For simplicity, let us assume that these measurements always covary in the same way that we saw with \(\textbf{V}\) (i.e., cv_mat) above. But let’s also assume that we have three species with slightly different mean values. Below is the code that will build a new data set of \(N = 20\) samples with four columns: species, length, width, and mass.

N           <- 20;
matrix_data <- c(12.68, 13.95, 3.07, 13.95, 30.39, 4.70, 3.07, 4.70, 2.18);
cv_mat      <- matrix(data = matrix_data, nrow = 3, ncol = 3, byrow = TRUE);
mns_1       <- c(159.54, 245.26, 25.52);
sim_data_1  <- mvrnorm(n = N, mu = mns, Sigma = cv_mat);
colnames(sim_data_1) <- c("Length", "Width", "Mass");
# Below, I bind a column for indicating 'species_1' identity
species     <- rep(x = "species_1", times = 20); # Repeats 20 times
sp_1        <- data.frame(species, sim_data_1);

Let us add one more data column. Suppose that we can also sample the number of offspring each organism has, and that the mean number of offspring that an organism has equals one tenth of the organism’s mass. To do this, we can use rpois, and take advantage of the fact that the argument lambda can be a vector rather than a single value. So to get the number of offspring for each organism based on its body mass, we can just insert the mass vector sp_1$Mass times 0.1 for lambda.

offspring   <- rpois(n = N, lambda = sp_1$Mass * 0.1);
sp_1        <- cbind(sp_1, offspring);

I have also bound the offspring number to the data set sp_1. Here is what it looks like below.

species Length Width Mass offspring
species_1 160.0961 249.7890 25.93705 3
species_1 160.5342 247.5876 26.06193 3
species_1 159.9338 244.3800 26.44370 2
species_1 155.9637 246.8168 27.22432 4
species_1 158.8237 246.1629 26.73524 2
species_1 156.2496 241.0867 23.84185 4
species_1 157.5895 242.6299 25.90330 4
species_1 158.2515 250.9222 25.90506 2
species_1 160.8467 245.7263 24.37506 2
species_1 156.7972 243.3848 25.46426 4
species_1 156.0726 246.5050 25.81432 2
species_1 165.4721 252.4606 25.94337 3
species_1 155.4319 240.2571 24.42234 1
species_1 161.3542 248.6756 24.97249 0
species_1 163.3283 246.9854 27.75439 3
species_1 158.3656 248.1103 25.26652 0
species_1 165.0526 249.2232 26.04674 1
species_1 160.7815 245.3200 25.64529 2
species_1 162.6027 249.0639 26.49572 2
species_1 157.5804 246.8049 26.35311 3

To add two more species, let us repeat the process two more times, but change the expected mass just slightly each time. The code below does this, and puts everything together in a single data set.

# First making species 2
mns_2       <- c(159.54, 245.26, 25.52 + 3); # Add a bit
sim_data_2  <- mvrnorm(n = N, mu = mns, Sigma = cv_mat);
colnames(sim_data_2) <- c("Length", "Width", "Mass");
species     <- rep(x = "species_2", times = 20); # Repeats 20 times
offspring   <- rpois(n = N, lambda = sim_data_2[,3] * 0.1);
sp_2        <- data.frame(species, sim_data_2, offspring);
# Now make species 3
mns_3       <- c(159.54, 245.26, 25.52 + 4.5); # Add a bit more
sim_data_3  <- mvrnorm(n = N, mu = mns, Sigma = cv_mat);
colnames(sim_data_3) <- c("Length", "Width", "Mass");
species     <- rep(x = "species_3", times = 20); # Repeats 20 times
offspring   <- rpois(n = N, lambda = sim_data_3[,3] * 0.1);
sp_3        <- data.frame(species, sim_data_3, offspring);
# Bring it all together in one data set
dat <- rbind(sp_1, sp_2, sp_3);

Our full data set now looks like the below.

species Length Width Mass offspring
species_1 160.0961 249.7890 25.93705 3
species_1 160.5342 247.5876 26.06193 3
species_1 159.9338 244.3800 26.44370 2
species_1 155.9637 246.8168 27.22432 4
species_1 158.8237 246.1629 26.73524 2
species_1 156.2496 241.0867 23.84185 4
species_1 157.5895 242.6299 25.90330 4
species_1 158.2515 250.9222 25.90506 2
species_1 160.8467 245.7263 24.37506 2
species_1 156.7972 243.3848 25.46426 4
species_1 156.0726 246.5050 25.81432 2
species_1 165.4721 252.4606 25.94337 3
species_1 155.4319 240.2571 24.42234 1
species_1 161.3542 248.6756 24.97249 0
species_1 163.3283 246.9854 27.75439 3
species_1 158.3656 248.1103 25.26652 0
species_1 165.0526 249.2232 26.04674 1
species_1 160.7815 245.3200 25.64529 2
species_1 162.6027 249.0639 26.49572 2
species_1 157.5804 246.8049 26.35311 3
species_2 160.6686 249.5760 26.84163 2
species_2 162.8042 246.9504 26.91129 6
species_2 157.0182 238.9712 24.16082 2
species_2 155.2083 238.8988 24.10644 5
species_2 155.3958 240.9339 23.35060 1
species_2 166.3838 253.2659 28.15383 4
species_2 160.0383 246.0190 27.22687 6
species_2 165.6907 245.9201 27.50694 2
species_2 165.4295 249.8916 25.70299 2
species_2 160.1070 242.6397 23.56593 1
species_2 166.1218 253.5333 26.40232 2
species_2 162.6699 250.7782 26.53539 1
species_2 156.2615 241.2675 25.07833 0
species_2 157.3258 250.9699 25.09196 2
species_2 157.0622 237.3069 25.25632 1
species_2 156.6568 246.1136 23.47298 0
species_2 161.1317 251.4044 26.87695 1
species_2 165.4140 251.9115 26.71136 5
species_2 156.3627 238.7914 24.00011 1
species_2 156.3154 242.4368 23.26298 5
species_3 157.3481 243.0727 24.69311 3
species_3 159.2547 242.8557 24.85465 4
species_3 161.1190 247.3744 27.03653 2
species_3 157.2414 239.8949 25.17715 2
species_3 156.0892 242.4798 22.56819 3
species_3 156.4469 237.6946 25.42245 3
species_3 154.2984 238.9348 25.88996 2
species_3 159.8300 240.9981 21.57141 1
species_3 155.4234 239.1683 26.60738 2
species_3 162.4654 247.9817 22.47856 1
species_3 162.2042 249.6214 25.80513 2
species_3 164.0491 242.2735 25.04036 3
species_3 161.1303 244.6946 24.88290 2
species_3 153.4831 232.7507 23.02110 1
species_3 159.0085 244.0369 24.36326 3
species_3 156.6950 240.2346 23.13310 3
species_3 151.9992 241.2254 22.63430 2
species_3 161.7864 242.6725 24.89283 1
species_3 166.4894 254.0258 29.23088 1
species_3 161.3459 241.7033 24.46137 1

To summarise, we now have a simulated data set of measurements from three different species, all of which have known variances and covariances of length, width, and mass. Each species has a slightly different mean mass, and for all species, each unit of mass increases the expected number of offspring by 0.1. Because we know these properties of the data for certain, we can start asking questions that might be useful to know about our data analysis. For example, given this covariance structure and these small differences in mass, is a sample size of 20 really enough to even get a significant difference among species masses using an ANOVA? What if we tried to test for differences among masses using some sort of randomisation approach Instead? Would this give us more or less power? Let us run an ANOVA to see if the difference between group means (which we know exists) is recovered.

aov_result <- aov(Mass ~ species, data = dat);
##             Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)  
## species      2  13.89   6.943   3.137  0.051 .
## Residuals   57 126.16   2.213                 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

It appears not! What about the relationship between body mass and offspring production that we know exists? Below is a scatterplot of the data for the three different species.

This looks like there might be a positive relationship, but it is very difficult to determine just from the scatterplot. We can use a generalised linear model to test it with species as a random effect, as we might do if these were data sampled from the field (do not worry about the details of the model here; the key point is that we can use the simulated data with known properties to assess the performance of a statistical test).

## Loading required package: Matrix
mod <- glmer(offspring ~ Mass + (1 | species), data = dat, family = "poisson");
## boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')
## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
##   Approximation) [glmerMod]
##  Family: poisson  ( log )
## Formula: offspring ~ Mass + (1 | species)
##    Data: dat
##      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
##    210.1    216.4   -102.0    204.1       57 
## Scaled residuals: 
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -1.5051 -0.6416 -0.2359  0.5355  2.2414 
## Random effects:
##  Groups  Name        Variance  Std.Dev. 
##  species (Intercept) 2.514e-18 1.586e-09
## Number of obs: 60, groups:  species, 3
## Fixed effects:
##             Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept) -1.36171    1.44195  -0.944    0.345
## Mass         0.08626    0.05636   1.531    0.126
## Correlation of Fixed Effects:
##      (Intr)
## Mass -0.998
## optimizer (Nelder_Mead) convergence code: 0 (OK)
## boundary (singular) fit: see help('isSingular')

There does not appear to be any effect here either! To get one, it appears that we will need to simulate a larger data set (or a bigger effect size – or just get lucky when re-simulating a new data set).

Note that I have run a linear model that might be reasonable given the structure of our data. But the advantage of working with simulated data and knowing for certain what the relationship is between the underlying variables is that we can explore different statistical techniques. For example, we know that our response variable offspring is count data, so we are supposed to specify a Poisson error structure using the family = "poisson" argument above, right? But what would happen if we just used a normal error structure anyway? Would this really be so bad? Now is the opportunity to test because we know what the correct answer is supposed to be! Trying statistical methods that are normally ill-advised can actually be useful here, as it can help us see for ourselves when a technique is bad – or perhaps when it really is not (e.g., Ives 2015).


Simulating data can be a powerful tool for learning and investigating different statistical analyses. The main benefits of using simulated data are flexibility and certainty. Simulation gives us the flexibility to explore any number of hypotheticals, including different sample sizes, effect sizes, relationships between variables, and error distributions. It also works from a point of certainty; we know what the real relationship is between variables, and what the actual effect sizes are because we define them when generating random samples. So if we want to better understand what would happen if we were unable to sample an important variable in our system, or if we were to use a biased estimator, or if we we were to violate key model assumptions, simulated data is a very useful tool.

Literature cited

Box, G E P, and Mervin E Muller. 1958. A note on the generation of random normal deviates.” The Annals of Mathematical Statistics 29 (2): 610–11.
Ives, Anthony R. 2015. For testing the significance of regression coefficients, go ahead and log-transform count data.” Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 828–35.
Minchin, Peter R. 1987. An evaluation of the relative robustness of techniques for ecological ordination.” Vegetatio 69 (1-3): 89–107.